Where do I start?
About two months ago, Daniel decided that he would no longer be
traveling with us. He now knows that he wants to dedicate his life to
dance and he felt that he was not able to do that with us. So we were
down to two, my boyfriend Joaquín and I. Then, about a month ago,
Joaquín and I broke up. Our relationship didn't stand up to all of the
intensity and stress of our crazy dream. This cartoon is basically all
of the memories that are swimming around in my mind from the preparation
for the trip and my time traveling with Daniel and Joaquín. And now we
are down to one. Just me. Without any of the plan that I spent the last
two years of my life creating with my partner and his good friend.
Wow. Joaquín proposed that we continue to travel together as friends.
That sounds like emotional hell to me. I will not sacrifice my
emotional well being to be 'comfortable' in an old dream that, for me,
was lost when the love was.
So wow, now I am in the middle of Mexico, in the middle of someone else's dream (my original dream was just to go Brazil and work with the social circus programs there. Then I met Joaquín and he invited me to travel by land with his collective and I said that sounds like a great adventure! Well, I was right).
I do not dream of traveling on my own through Latin America. Many people do, but not me. I wanted and want to have a home base. To work and collaborate and live and learn with others. So I'm thinking of everyone I've met in the last 6 months, who could I travel with?? I've come up with 4 options:
1. A group of 4 awesome Spanish women. I met them in a Theater of the Oppressed workshop just before Joaquín and I broke up. They are super warm and excited to have me and God it would be fabulous to travel with women. The only thing I'm not too excited about is that they are hitch hiking. Hitch hiking is very different here, it's much more accepted and way less dangerous. But still I'm not to excited about the idea...
2. Farandula de la Esperanza: A couple who do social circus and are traveling down in a camper. I have met them at two circus conventions and they do fabulous work. I've sent them an email but haven't heard back yet (http://
3. America Latina Cooperativa: A group who is traveling through Central America doing social circus shows and workshops with the goal of strengthening the network of social organizations throughout Latin America. I met the aerial director at the first circus convention I went to and we got along great. I emailed them as well but they don't seem too interested, we'll see what happens (http://www.alcoop.org/?lang=
4. Alone. My best friend in Mexico City has contacts in pretty much every country throughout Central America. I could ride buses from country to country and meet up with her contacts and then go to social circus organizations upon my arrival in each new city.
So now it's the waiting game. Trying to stop my heart from jumping out of my chest while I send a million emails and try to put a new life together. Did I mention Wow? Life is crazy. I never thought I'd be where I am and in two weeks I have no idea where I will be...